Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

The Presence Of Iron Man 2

SCI-FI/action sequel film genre cultivated by Jon Favreau will introduce several new characters. These characters will be played by artists of the top Hollywood. In addition to Iron Man or Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr.. These films are also some artists who come to enliven the film like Scarlett Johannson, Ivan Vanko, Don Cheadle, and Samuel L Jackson.

Until now, Iron Man 2 is still in pre-production. As usual for the anticipated movie online.blh, would be a lot of rumors arose about the story or the players. One of the gossip is the emergence of bad character Nick Fury in Iron Man 2 movie. Another rumor confirmed almost is the presence of re-Colonel James Rhodes. But the old actor in Iron Man 1 is Terrance Howard will be replaced by Don Cheadle. This speculation could be predicted since prekuelnya, where there is a scene when Colonel Rhodes saying "next time baby" to Iron Man.

As written above, there will be some new character in Iron Man 2, among others:

- The Black Widow is a Russian spy who eventually moved to the United States. He trained as a spy, martial artist, and snipers are also equipped with high-tech armory. One attack was called 'widow's bite'.

- Whiplash or Ivan Vanko is a former inmate who managed to make a costume version of Iron Man himself. His nickname came from a pair of deadly whip.

But unfortunately for you fans of the movie Iron Man 2 should be more patient because this movie has just been released mid-2010. To treat curiosity, you can 'warm up' to see her exclusive trailer here (Click Here). Enjoy it!

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